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Veterinary Emergency and Referral Hospital of West Toronto

Puppy and kitten sitting on an exam table

About Us

Woman dressed in black administrating a vaccine to a small white dog.

Veterinary Emergency and Referral Hospital of West Toronto specializes in animal emergency care and surgical procedures. With over twenty years in the field, our veterinarians bring a balance of experience and expertise to the diagnosis and treatment of your pet’s problem.

If you are an owner, our staff realizes that such a surgery is a significant event for you and your pet, both emotionally and financially. If you are a referring veterinarian we understand that you require excellence in both surgical care and prompt and thorough communication. In either case it is the mission of this practice to provide you with all the information you require to make an informed decision, to give your pet the best and most compassionate care available and to keep you informed of your patient’s progress.

Veterinary Emergency and Referral Hospital of West Toronto staff writing notes

Our Animal Hospital

Spacious and State of the Art Facility

The hospital is a 7600 square foot facility that incorporates an efficiency of design and aesthetics that promotes exceptional attention to cleanliness and asepsis but does not compromise patient or owner comfort.